πŸ₯‡Competition analysis

Current market disadvantages

  1. Currently, some projects may offer access to exclusive content or experiences, but they are often limited in scope and may not have lasting value. Some projects try to bring utility by copying Defi platforms and launching new chains, but this seems like an exhausted strategy.

  2. Several new gaming projects are solving the problems of Play-to-earn, as they focus on the gameplay, don't rely on heavy inflation of their tokens, and are embracing Free-to-play.

  3. IP and community isolation is still the main trend in the space, with the exception of a few projects like Kiraverse and Arcadia that realized the potential of Cross-IP collaborations.

  4. There is a current trend of platforms labeling themselves as Web3 launchers or "Web3 Steams", such as Altura, Elixir, Seddona, Myria, ImmutableX, Ultra, etc. They use several different approaches to the onboarding problem, most of them with highly innovative solutions. However, the onboarding process for Web3 gaming is still a not-so-appealing process for crypto newbies and old-school gamers alike. As FusyFox ethos is Web3 collaboration and interoperability, we are currently in discussions with third-party launchers to make the game available on those platforms. We don’t see them as competition. We will make FusyFox as accessible as possible since all users can interact thanks to our cross-platform capabilities regardless of the point of entry into the game.

Why us? Advantages over existing competitors

As of now, there is no existing solution in the market that offers effortless access to high-quality gaming utilities for NFT/Meme tokens and Web3 project communities in general. Although there are similar gaming projects that share our vision of a cross-IP platform, they solely concentrate on blue-chip NFT communities. This narrow focus creates a barrier to entry that is too high for even average cryptocurrency users and targets only a small niche of NFT collectors, limiting potential market share. In contrast, FusyFox welcomes any legitimate Web3 project, requiring only a strong and supportive community.

Our approach is to link token inflation to the skill and dedication of players, offer a user-friendly platform accessible even to web2 users, and provide tournament reward pools. This combination of features is likely to make us a preferred choice for both professional esports teams and Web3 guilds. These straightforward yet effective mechanisms set us apart from excessive inflation methods that are unrelated to actual gameplay, such as farming, breeding, mining, staking, and so on.

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